AI4AGRI Consortium

The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Center
The PFA is a private not-for-profit company dedicated to providing farm advisory services to farmers; enhancing and promoting the entrepreneurial spirit in rural areas.
Website: www.farm-advisory.eu
IRIS Sustainable Development
IRIS Sustainable Development is a Swedish NGO and UN SDSN Youth Member organisation that provides impactful solutions to critical socio-environmental issues via the power of civic engagement and non-formal education.
Website: www.irissd.org

Omnia is a Cyprus based SME that provides tailored smart strategic solutions through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaborations.
Website: www.omnia.cy
ThinkOnception is a Greek educational provider that entails a European department to reinforce exchange and collaborative action and create spaces for innovation and empowerment for all.
Website: www.thinkonception.com


YET is a proud member of the EU Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition promoting digital literacy and the adoption of digital technologies for the benefit of individuals and businesses.
Website: www.yet.ngo

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